October Unprocessed

I signed up for a challenge called “October Unprocessed”. I swear I don’t know where I find these things sometimes! I crack myself up. Clearly I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. In my 21-day challenge I found more energy, reduced my addiction to sugar and lost a couple of pounds. This time I hope to do more of the same but also look better.

So, ‘unprocessed’ — what does that mean? Well Andrew Wilder of Eating Rules defines it as “any food that could be made by a person with reasonable skill in a home kitchen with whole-food ingredients” but he encourages you to make your own definition. I know I can’t make honey or Stevia or rice so for my definition I am just going to up my fruits and veggies and basically try to eat clean and for the most part stick to foods that are homemade. Also going to work out more and go to sleep earlier.

Click on the link and check it out and let me know if you’re in!

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2 Responses to October Unprocessed

  1. Little Sis says:

    While I can’t claim to be 100%, our switch to a great reduction in processed foods has improved the health of my entire family. Good luck with your challenge!

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